animals Dutch image

Crasher Squirrel

Have you heard of Crasher Squirrel? This squirrel was first shown on National Geographic’s site. A couple in a National Park in Canada had set up the timer on their camera to take a photograph of themselves, and up pops a squirrel right when the pic was taken! See the original photograph at National Geographic’s site:

This started a whole meme of pics starring the squirrel as seen at buzzfeed. Well, here’s our version! It’s the Crasher Squirrel crashing the Nightwatch, a famous painting by Rembrandt.

The Nightwatch by Rembrandt with Crasher Squirrel

Thanks to Wikipedia for the picture, and to the squirrel for being in the right place at the right time!

american image politics

Obama & Sarah’s secret

A funny ironic one from Diz:

Obama & Sarah ballroom dancing
Obama & Sarah ballroom dancing

Great photo-shopping job whomever created this! 🙂 Anyone know where the original image came from?

girls image men women

Traffic Question?

And another from Brendan!

Most men will get this right!
You are driving along a narrow two lane road with a NO PASSING sign posted, with double lines, and come upon a bicycle rider. Do you follow this slow-moving bicycle rider for the next 21 miles, or do you break the law and pass?
Which is the correct choice?
Click below for the solution! (Slightly NSFW).

image work


This and the beer cooler are from Jeannie!
Complaints Grenade