

And and oldie from Edel:


Remember…a layer of dust protects the Wood beneath it.

“A house becomes a home when you can write “I love you” on the furniture“.

I used to spend at least 8 hours every weekend making sure things were just perfect – “in case someone came over”. Finally I realized one day that no-one came over; they were all out living life and having fun!
when people visit, I don’t have to explain the “condition” of my home .

They are more interested in hearing about the things I’ve been doing while I was away living life and having fun.

If you haven’t figured this out yet, please heed this advice
Life is short. Enjoy it!

Dust if you must . . .
but wouldn’t it be better to paint a picture or write a letter, bake cookies or a cake and lick the spoon or plant a seed, ponder the difference between want and need!
Dust if you must,
but there’s not much time … with beer to drink , rivers to swim and mountains to climb , music to hear and books to read, friends to cherish and life to lead. Dust if you must, but the world’s out there with the sun in your eyes,the wind in your hair,a flutter of snow, a shower of rain.

This day will not come around, again.

Dust if you must,but bear in mind, old age will come and it’s not kind. . .

And when you go – and go you must – you, yourself will make more dust!
Share this with all the wonderful friends in your life.


It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.



An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which she carried across her neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.

At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of wa ter.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.

But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.

“I am ashamed of myself, be cause this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.”

The old woman smiled, “Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side?”

“That’s because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them.”

“For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.”

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it’s the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.

You’ve just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

SO, to all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!